Recovery progress

Since my last update, I have continued to experience some ups and down’s on my journey of recovery from bi-lateral total hip replacement. The weather today was cold, windy and wet and my legs hurt with most every movement. Still I managed to walk around and got in nearly 5,000 steps but it was a struggle at times. It felt like a set back after yesterday’s bike ride in the sunshine. The good news, the more I walked, the better I felt. In the end I came home and took a nap and tonight I’m taking it easy while working on office projects… Like updating my blog.

I’ve been pretty dedicated to my yoga, physical therapy, walking and biking most every day. I just have to remember that healing takes time and persistence. Never give up!

Made it four miles on my bike!!! Building back one mile at a time



18 responses to “Recovery progress”

  1. YDS, TYT, AYT: Tรผrkiyeโ€™de รผniversiteye girecek รถฤŸrencilerin girmek zorunda olduฤŸu sฤฑnavdฤฑr. Bu sฤฑnav genellikle Haziran ayฤฑnda yapฤฑlฤฑr ve รถฤŸrencilerin Tรผrkรงe, matematik, fen bilimleri, sosyal bilimler ve dil yeterliliฤŸi gibi alanlarda bilgi ve becerilerini รถlรงer. BaลŸarฤฑlฤฑ olan รถฤŸrenciler, istedikleri รผniversitelerin istedikleri bรถlรผmlerine girebilirler.

  2. LGS: Tรผrkiyeโ€™de nitelikli liseye girmek isteyen รถฤŸrencilerin katฤฑlmak zorunda olduฤŸu bir sฤฑnavdฤฑr. Bu sฤฑnav genellikle Haziran ayฤฑnda yapฤฑlฤฑr ve รถฤŸrencilerin matematik, Tรผrkรงe, Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler alanlarฤฑnda bilgi ve becerilerini รถlรงer. BaลŸarฤฑlฤฑ olan รถฤŸrenciler, istedikleri lise tรผrรผne girebilirler.

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